Near Quiriti


Mercato Trionfale

(rional market)

Via Emilio Faà di Bruno, 25
This is an historical rional market in town.

During the time, still preserved his consideration for food quality and also good prices for the quality sold


(beer + trapizzino)

Piazza del Risorgimento 7A

This place basically is for drinking beer, because they have a special selection of hand made beers. It’s also great for a fast sandwitch. Inside this place is “Trapizzino” is a kind of a sandwitch with a part of a cooked second dish like “pollo alla cacciatora” that’s really delicious


 (sandwitch + salad)

Via dei Gracchi, 80a

Need a fast lunch ?
This could be the right place. They prepare Gourmet Sandwitch, with very good and fresh ingredients , salads and other.
Honest Prices for the quality


Via dei Gracchi 272

This ice cream maker is quite famous in town for using fresh ingredients and making an excellent job. The ice cream is genuine made only with fresh ingredients and seasonal fruits


Via Fabio Massimo, 80

This is an old and famous cafè in town. There is a lovely and typical athmospere, but overall they prepare a special coffee with chocolate that’s really great.

PANIFICIO BONCI (Pizza Gourmet slices)

Viat Emilio Faà di Bruno, 26

This place is a bakery, but extremely famous for Pizza Gourmet. Actually considered the best pizza gourmet that you can eat in Italy. In the shop you can 􏰀nd also many other specialities and everything is prepared with special care by real experts.
Really excellent food for reasonable prices.
In the shop doesn’t have table, need to go out left to the next shop where he have table to seat and eat.


Piazza Augusto Imperatore, 46

Pizza in Naple’s style
This name is of one of the most relevant pizza makers of Naples. Actually they opened a pizzeria here in Rome and what they prepare is fantastic.
The original place in Naples is surely a bit better, but still an excellent product, as also are some other typical fries and meat balls.